Attention : la première réception du signal GPS et calcul de position demande une trentaine de secondes. Après, le changement de position est plus rapide, environ 5 secondes
Attention : la sauvegarde sur fichier :
avec Companion : mettre le nom du fichier avec un slash devant /monfichier.gpx et il est sauvegardé dans :
après compilation et exécution du fichier compilé ; le fichier monfichier.gpx est sauvegardé dans :
Go to MIT App Inventor and sign in with your Google account.
Start a new project and give it a name, e.g., "GPX_Recorder".
Design the User Interface:
Add a Button component for starting and stopping the recording.
Add a Label component to display the status.
Add a TinyDB component for storing the GPX data.
Add a LocationSensor component to get the GPS coordinates.
Create the blocks to handle the logic:
Here's the layout and the logic for the app:
Designer View
Drag and drop the following components:
Text: "Start Recording"
Name: StartButton
Text: "Stop Recording"
Name: StopButton
Text: "Save GPX File"
Name: SaveButton
Text: "Status: Not recording"
Name: StatusLabel
Name: LocationSensor1
Name: TinyDB1
Blocks View
Initialize the components and variables:
// Initialize global variables
initialize global recording to false
initialize global gpxData to "<gpx version='1.1' creator='AppInventor'><trk><name>Track</name><trkseg>"
// Start Button Click Event
when StartButton.Click
set global recording to true
set StatusLabel.Text to "Status: Recording"
call LocationSensor1.Start
// Stop Button Click Event
when StopButton.Click
set global recording to false
set StatusLabel.Text to "Status: Not recording"
call LocationSensor1.Stop
// Save Button Click Event
when SaveButton.Click
call TinyDB1.StoreValue
tag: "gpxData"
value: join (global gpxData) "</trkseg></trk></gpx>"
set StatusLabel.Text to "Status: GPX File Saved"
// LocationSensor Location Changed Event
when LocationSensor1.LocationChanged
if global recording
set global gpxData to join (global gpxData) "<trkpt lat='" (LocationSensor1.Latitude) "' lon='" (LocationSensor1.Longitude) "'><ele>" (LocationSensor1.Altitude) "</ele><time>" (Clock.Now) "</time></trkpt>"
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